Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Blend Cleanse

Cleansing has been all the rage of the last few years. Cleansing products and services are being hawked from magazine ads, infomercial and store front cleansing boutiques. The range of cleansing options have expanded to hundreds of liquid, pill and powered concoctions. The more adventurous may opt for the more evasive rectal power washout via colon hydrotherapy (also called colonics or colonic irrigation). There is limited scientific evidence to support most of the claims of Oral or hydro therapies. There is also potential harm that can result from continued use of these therapies. The safest and most natural route to the cleansing objectives is a diet plentiful in fruits and vegetables. An intense Blend Cleanse goes well beyond what any marketed cleanse therapies can provide. A fruit and vegetable blend cleanse provides all natural cleansing fiber, living digestive enzymes, life supporting nutrients, and healing and restorative antioxidants and phytochemicals. The Blend Cleanse is very similar to most fruit and vegetable cleanses that have been widely published. Vegetables and fruits, and their juices are excellent food choices for an intense, full body cleanse for the following reasons:

  1. For most people, vegetables and fruits are extremely easy to digest.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are naturally rich in water; staying hydrated is an essential requirement for an intense, full body cleanse.

For the vast majority of people, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and all cooked animal foods are harder to digest than vegetables and fruits. So for an intense period of cleansing, it's best to avoid everything but vegetables, fruits, their juices, and water.

A blend Cleanse offers many advantages over a traditional fruit and vegetable cleanse.

  1. Convenience –blended drinks are more easily consumed and digested than grazing thought the day on fruits and vegetables.
  2. Raw – blending easily combines vegetables that are not as palatable raw with tasty fruits. Raw blending also retains more nutrition than cooked.
  3. Absorption – micronized raw blending allows the digestive systems to utilize more nutrients, anti-oxidants and phytochemicals stored in the cell walls.
  4. Time – minimal preparation time for blended drinks
  5. Hold the " " – closes the door on salt and oils used in cooked vegetables and dressings and dips used with raw vegetables

How to Prepare for an Intense, Full Body Blend Cleanse


Before beginning, it's ideal to take a week or at least a few days to taper your intake of the following:

  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Salt
  • Sugar and other sweeteners
  • All animal foods, including dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, chicken, beef, pork, and all other flesh meats

These foods put significant strain on your digestive organs, and avoiding them "cold turkey" can sometimes create withdrawal symptoms that are too powerful for some people to tolerate.

It's fine to eat grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds right up until the day before you begin your intense period of detox - these foods are rich in fiber, and their remains should move through your digestive tract without too much difficulty during your intense cleanse.

If you don't wish to spend up to a week to taper your intake of the foods listed above, it's fine to begin right away; just be aware that you may experience highly uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal, like strong headaches, lightheadedness, and nausea.

Other than tapering the foods-to-avoid during your cleanse, all that remains during the preparatory phase is to make sure that your kitchen is well stocked with vegetables and fruits that you enjoy.